Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How Could I Ask for More?

God has given me so much in this life....I am so blessed and have so much in my life to be thankful for....for even on the darkest of days, I know HE is with me and keeps me safe. Yet why is it, especially at the beginning of the week (lol), I still find reasons to worry, complain and forget ALL HE is to me and has done for me? I'm human, I guess....just like all of us, we sometimes forget the little things that make life so precious. The tiniest of moments that make life more special and complete are the moments I want to cherish and never take for granted....

Here's a song that reminds me of how grateful I am for all those little things HE has done....as Cindy Morgan sings in this song....my prayer today remains..."Thank you God....How could I ask for more?"

1 comment:

Ashley said...

That is just what I needed to hear today. Thanks...and I love ya!