Thursday, February 26, 2009

Praise Him in the storm....

Within the last few days there have been several things happening to people close to me that I cannot concerns, death of a loved one, the loss of a job...
With so many uncertainties in this world, I am reminded of how blessed we are to have a God who never changes, is ALWAYS there, and knows every step we take before we even get up to walk. Although it might seem like the world around us is falling apart and He is far away, we must always remember that He is just a prayer away, is all knowing, all powerful and always in control. In times like these I catch myself falling on the verse..."For we know all things work together to them that love the Lord", Romans 8:28...
For all of you who are going through a difficult time, please know you are in my prayers and know that God will carry you much as I love music, I couldn't help but think of a song that always helps me in difficult times....Casting Crowns, "Praise You in this Storm"

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