Saturday, November 29, 2008

Chicken soup for the sick soul....

Not feeling too much better today....but I did make a pot of homemade chicken soup, which makes me feel a little better after eating a bowl full :)

Spent most of the day in bed, dozing, watching Lucy re-runs, and Christmas movies and I am looking forward to seeing a little bit of White Christmas....which comes on in 15 minutes........unfortunately, due to the weather and my sickness, it looks like tomorrow will be filled with much of the I hate missing church, and Christmas play practice :(
I did get a few minutes of playtime in to create a few cards with the embellies from yesterday....not so sure how I feel about them yet....

Friday, November 28, 2008


So I woke up at 2 am...sneezing, coughing, and aching all over! All I can think about are all the little boogers runnin' around at the Wizard of Oz production last week who were probably sick, not to mention my best friend who calls (the day after she visited) to tell me she's sick! Hopefully this won't last too long...I have to make it back to school on Monday!

So there's not been much to do today, other than lie around....but I did get a few minutes to play around with some embellies I am making for my Christmas cards...I have to say...they look like little cookies lined up on my craft table! Almost good enough to eat! I am not quite finished though....I think they need a little sparkle....or should I say "bling!" All the work is credited to my wonderful cricut machine....whom without, I would be dying of blisters....
until then...God bless

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Gifts from the heart....

As Christmas quickly approaches......I find myself seeing those around me frantically trying to rush here and there to get the best deals on presents for friends and family. I am not in the situation to "join the crowd" this year, due to my current financial I have relied on the option to "make" all my presents....and let me say, I have never had such a great time preparing for the holidays. I know I always enjoy getting something someone took the time to make fact, I think it's those gifts that mean the most. Gifts from the heart, but made with precious we must be to those who take the time to do such wonderful things! I am so grateful for my wonderful friends and family, and while I would love to have enough money to buy them any thing they wanted, I know this Christmas will be extra special because my gifts will truly be a part of my heart.....

I can't wait til they get to open them up :)

Monday, November 24, 2008


As this time of year quickly's so easy to think of all the wonderful things we have to be thankful for....even with the terrible problems of this world, the horrible economy and the uncertainty of what tomorrow holds....there is so much we DO have. God is so wonderful and has blessed us far more than we could ever deserve. In times like these I feel God is just taking the time to get our attention and make us more aware of the simple, little things that make like so wonderful.

So I say "Thank you, could I ask for more?"