Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Craptastic" in "Crazytown"

So, yes...I apparently talk to myself outloud in front of my students, and apparently they are listening when you think they don't pay attention!!

So the topic is author's purpose and we're throwing out what Mrs. Sneed's purpose is in teaching this class....to persuade, inform or entertain? While everyone agreed a teacher's job is to inform, my students jumped on the "Mrs. Sneed is the whole PIE!" train.... she does ALL three!!! I smile, take a little bow and then one of my beautiful students says "Mrs. Sneed you're just craptastic!" (a word I have been using lately to desrible my fumbles and mess)...and of course I'm shocked...and the whole class goes "ooooooohhhhh" (you know, like you're in big trouble mister)...and I simply reply "you know, I'm probably the only teacher you have that won't write you up for saying that to a teacher!!"...to which he replies, "Oh, I know Mrs. Sneed, because you live in crazytown (a term I use for the address of my classroom)...and you are crazy, but in a good way (also a phrase I said WAYYYYYY back at the beginning of the year)!"

So it was a craptastic day in crazytown...but it's all good....

On another note....getting your "fro" cut after a year of nothing....equals losing about 5 pounds....but most important to remember is...curly hair SHRINKS when it dries!! Cut one inch when wet is 3 inches when dry = I might be Shirley Temple in the morning!

Friday, February 3, 2012


Thank God it's Friday....this week, as usual was full of craziness!!! Lots of great blessings and random "crazytown" moments...
1.) My students, along with my parter in 6th Grade Language Arts, Ms. Thomas' students jumped up 9% from 1st quarter :-)
2.) I have reduced my Diet Mt. Dew intake by 50%
3.) I had my first subpoena to court...and I feel like a celebrity..lol
4.) 6th graders still apparently LOVE to play leap frog, but look quite akward by trying to "step it up a notch" :-0
5.) Cruise control in the rain IS really not a good idea
6.) Having a professor that is younger than you is NOT a good thing
7.) When communicating over important issues...there should be a 24 hour return rule!!