Friday, February 6, 2009

The LOVES of my life....

My best friend posted a blog about all of the “loves” in her life.....and it inspired me to do the same. Love is a word that many people throw around like it’s just the word “a” or “and” or “the”......but when you travel down a broken road in life that was once what you felt to be love, you learn to use it only as necessary, but at the same time....start noticing all the “little things” you really have loved your entire life, but never really thought about it here goes my rendition....Ash-pash....this is for you =)

I love how God sees me as beautiful each and every He loves me unconditionally..... how my mom and I talk everyday and how she wants to know I am ok.... how my brother loves his wife and his new little baby.... how my daddy pretends not to show his emotions, when deep down, his heart is about to explode....getting mail and email from people I care about.... how my doggies are always tickled to see me and prove it my “shakin’ their tail feathers!”.... how my best friend of 26 years and I can pick right up where we left my daddy always drives his women around in the mom’s homemade chicken aunt Donna’s sweet my little Landon smells after a bath....wearing my pjs and camis more than any other clothing.... fresh clean sheets.....every pair of merrells I can afford....playing the piano with my eyes closed....soaking in a bubble bath.....getting my hair washed....sleeping in on Saturdays.....seeing my pastor tear up during one of his sermons.....listening to the rain.....having my back rubbed....the smell after a hard rain on a summer afternoon....the smell of fresh laundry out of the dryer....the little things people say that make them who they are, like my mom saying “I said a prayer for you today”, or my daddy saying “what’d you do that for?” or Tara sayin "you get yo nail done?".....laughing at old memories of family and friends.....singin’ with the radio....dancing when nobody’s watching....wrapping up in my grandma’s old quilt....lazy afternoon naps....hugs that are unexpected and don’t let go right away....slow kisses in the mom’s sourdough bread and chocolate chip poundcake......summer trips to the beach....dreaming about the future....making a difference in the life of a child....lazy days spent in showers......extra large church family and their love for me....fireflies at night......going barefoot in the summer.....being so in love you can hardly breathe....watching my daddy work.....listening to children on a chocolate that’s extra sweet....feeling the sand between my toes....watching waves leave the coast....praying in my car out loud....crying from the words of a song....laughing so hard I snort or just about pee my pants....being held....being loved for who I am....being so blessed you feel your heart’s gonna explode.......

WOW....I think I could type forever...I think like Ash I’ll keep adding and reading these so I never forget....

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